Sunday, March 23, 2014

Blog: Michuzi Blog, People’s choice for quality and reliable news

Perspective: Every journey of thousands miles begins with a single step.

Michuzi Blog is a community blog owned by Issa Michuzi and available in Kiswahili language. The blog is mostly read by Tanzanians since it is the only blog that gives quality informations compare to the other. The blog was created in 2005 by the Daily News photojournalist Issa Michuzi.

Mr. Michuzi set up his blog for the first time when he met Ndesanjo Macha in Helsinki, Finland. Mr MIchuzi had accompanied the former Tanzanian foreign minister who now is the President of United Republic of Tanzania Dr. Mrisho Jakaya Kikwete. His blog continued to gain popularity whereas in 2008 he started to play tricks on his readers on April Fools’ Day.

The Blog is updated every day with news content that are related to Tanzania. Also the blog is mostly used by diaspora to get news content from the country. It is considered the best blogger since it is quick at posting quality and reliable information for the readers. Aside from posting news, the blog also receive posts concerning advertisements, marriage announcement, birthdays, and graduation ceremony ads just to mention few.
The blog actually started with one photojournalist who had to go around searching for informations and post them on the blog till when he employed other journalists. His blog is the best leading blog for not only quality news but also immediate access to information that is needed by his readers. The blog has now in a day more than 80% visitors in Tanzania, 7% in South Africa and 4% in the United States. He also received an award in 2011 as Best Political Blog at the 1st Annual Tanzanian Blog Awards and 2012 Local Digital Media Award by Vodacom Awards for Digital Excellence. He is really an inspirational to me and other journalists whereas everyone in Tanzania after graduating from Journalism School starts their blog.

Motion Picture: Law abiding Citizen

Perspective: We are the creator of our own enemies.

Law Abiding Citizen is a film produced by Gerard Butler who is also a co-main star of Jamie Foxx. The film is about a man who is determined to not only to avenge the death of his family but also an entire corrupt criminal justice system. The film takes place in Philadelphia, USA.

This is the best film that I have ever seen in my entire life simply because the story telling composition and the idea is best organized and actually fit in any society that you can mention corrupt government. I was craved emotionally after watching this film for 1:30 hours. It is a film that shows how corrupt government system is insufficient to protect those who are weak and continue defending those who are powerful in the society.

However, thanks to the director of this film who actually managed to balance the roles to every character in the film. Clyde Alexander is attacked in his house by a gang of three men lead by Rupert Ames who kill his daughter and wife in front of him. Clyde opens up a case against Rupert but then he wins the case in the court after corrupting the prosecutor Jamie Foxx. Clyde sees the prosecutor receiving money from Rupert which causes Clyde to commit multiple murders while targeting both.
We live in a society whereas rules are created to ensure that justice and peace is preserved yet the justice organs are the ones who lead in bending the laws. Corruption is the biggest enemy of justice and peace in many African countries. The weak are denied their privileges as the powerful ones are doing necessarily to buy the power in the society. I believe that someday all nations in Africa will get tired of watching government leaders embezzling money and so enter into a conflict. A conflict for quest of new society whereas peace and justice will be preserved.

Culture: Finland drivers’ obedience, a Cultural shock

Perspective: I have best experienced to see the drivers in Finland giving pedestrians right on Zebra crossing.

It was in the morning and day school. I woke up early to catch my classes at Turku University of Applied Sciences. I was with one of my colleagues who we stay together in Retrodorm accommodation. We had to walk for 15 minutes to reach the school campus crossing nearly 4 zebra crossing.s We actually were surprised to see the drivers stopping their cars 6 metres away from the zebra sign to clear our way to school.

I mean isn’t so surprising to be treated with such manner. Everyone is up early from bed running to office, others catching up appointments schedules, others taking their children to school as we were also going to school, others are on the bus running to open up their shops and offices. Why someone does has to care that there are two students crossing on the road so we should stop to let them pass?
Pedestrians at the Market Square in Turku waiting for the traffic rights to cross

I realized that it is about making the right choice giving others their freedom and rights where it should be. We live in one global giant planet but we share different backgrounds of where we all come from. I would dare say that in Africa we take things for granted like nobody cares others business but in Finland it’s different. Trust me, you will never see an African driver stopping a car waiting for a pedestrian to cross. It is something rarely to find may be in 10 drivers none.

I also like to comment on the pedestrians themselves also. They are simply amazing with the road safety rules. This was also something that I had to learn from the Finnish people. Well, it is about our lives and the decisions we make but who in Africa for no reason will wait for the green guy to show up so as to cross the road? It is something that you would not find it in my country and may be in Africa at large. We live by chances because no one knows when the day of judgement will come so it is important that we all make right choice to enjoy every bit of moment we have in the universe.

Advertisement: No Chui, No Serengeti Premium Larger

Perspective:  Animation in TV commercials.

Serengeti premium larger is one of the finest beer produced by Serengeti Breweries in Tanzania. Other beers that are produced by the brewery company are Kibo Gold, Serengeti the Kick, and Uhuru Peak Lager. There is actually a promo advert which was produced by this company to promote Serengeti premium larger. The advert included animation character “Chui” in English Cheetah.

Animation is one of the emerging multi-billion industry in Tanzania. At present days, most companies in Tanzania uses animation in creating adverts. The field is getting popularity since everyone is in the market competition to create one appealing and attractive advert of a given consumer product.

Speaking of Serengeti premium larger advert, “Chui” who is the main character in the advert was animated using 3D software and motion capture devices to combine real human action in the advert. I like much about this advert in terms of the animation composition. The idea was not clear to me but with the animation composition it was something else that I enjoyed watching. The idea was basing on Tanzania context, first to mention the character “Chui” is the fastest wild animal also found in Tanzania national parks, and secondly the use of “Chui” in line with real human being it create the video to fit into the context of Tanzania whereas Kiswahili language and set designs of Tanzania were used.
I stand to be corrected but they say we human differ in perceptions, thinking capacities and critical thinking. With this advert I am not sure if I was able to grab the meaning neither I am compelled to understand it but it is important we all know what is around us. I think the Advert used “Chui” to show that this animal is also found in Serengeti National Park who also likes the beer so he is here to tell Tanzanians that whoever wants to buy a beer should prefer this one to the others.

Television: ITV, A Super Brand Television

Perspective: Independent Television is the best television in terms of its programs and delivery of quality information.

Television is one of the powerful tool media that uses text, audio and picture to deliver a certain content produced by media houses. Mass media are the tools for communication in which journalists gather and process information to deliver to the intended audience. Tanzania is one of the countries in Africa that is currently on promoting freedom of independence and responsibility for the media.

Independent Television is a super brand Television in Tanzania in terms of quality, and reliability of information. The Television is one among other media of Media Group Company owned by Reginald Mengi who is considered to be one of the richest guy in East Africa and only recognised internationally.

In the long run of switching from analogue to digital form of information, ITV became the first television to meet this objective set by Tanzania Regulatory Authority. I personally enjoy watching many programs from this television as they are quality one. Furthermore, the news that are produced from this channel are the best compare to other televisions. They show what the audience have to see and criticize little the government where is necessarily unlike what other television agencies does.
They have best programs like TV discussion forum whereas people gets an opportunity to seat in one room with government leaders and debate about certain issues in the country. I like the show as it gives us much information by critically assessing what others think about a particular situation and what are they likely viewing the situation to be solved. All in all I say bravo to this Television agency as people are receiving reliable information all time day.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Social media: Facebook a platform for everyone’s freedom

Perspective: I go against those who urge that we don’t care what others think of us.

Social media is a platform where people create, share, or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Social media differ from traditional or industrial media in many ways including quality, reach, frequency, usability, immediacy and permanence.

Many people think that we all should live by not caring what others have to perceive in us. Just to brainstorm your mind, ask yourself why everyone dresses up neatly and smart when wants to go out in the night. The answer is we all tend to look smart in front of others. Nobody is ready to see him or her self being look down by others when he or she is not dressing up smart. We all know that we dress up smart because we were all once brought up to that morals and beliefs but what is the ideal purpose of all?
While some persons create a Facebook page purely to keep tags on friends and family, it mainly serves as a platform. A platform in which we play a role that entertains an audience willing to listen. We know what we are doing when we upload certain photos, post expressive statuses, and write specific ideas on various walls; not only do we need attention from others, but we want others to see us in a certain way.
If you don't care what others think of you, try this status on your wall.
By the same token, caring how others see us is not necessarily all negative. It does make sense to stifle what we say to spare hard feelings, to act correctly at a religious affair, or to dress a certain way to fit into a selected environment. (Wearing a low cut top on a job interview at a corporate office may not be the best way to impress the company’s president.) In other words, there are lots of grey areas and it’s up to you to decide if you care too much what others think.

Motion Picture: The Adventure of Tintin

Perspective: Animation is a powerful medium to create our dreams and ideas into reality show.

The Adventure of Tintin directed by Steven Spielberg, is a 2011 American 3D motion capture computer-animated epic adventure film based on a young journalist, and his dog Snowy are browsing in an outdoor market in Brussels, Belgium. Tintin buys a miniature model of a ship, the Unicorn, but is then accosted by Barnaby and Ivan who both unsuccessfully try to buy the model from Tintin.

Later the miniature model of Tintin is stolen from his home place. He then visits Sakharine in Marlinspike Hall and accuses him of the theft when he sees a miniature model, but when he notices that Sakharine’s model is not broken, he realizes that there are two Unicorn models. Tintin is now in the adventure of finding what is so special about this model. Here is where all journalistic tactics are put into practices whereas he solves puzzle questions.
Snowy grabbing the model of Unicorn
I love animation, with this story of Tintin speaking of storyboarding, video composition, sets performance and the philosophy behind this film is well kept together that in the end defines the title “The Adventure of Tintin”. I always tell people that animation is not just about presenting ideas for childrens, it is about presenting your morals, beliefs, and sentiments to the society/community to Edu entertain people.

Aside from watching animation, when people starts questioning animators as non-professionals I always ask them, do you know how much it takes to create such a film? I mean how can you say it is unprofessional when not less than 2000 animators were just given an assignment to model the whole world of Pandola in the Avatar Movie? Are you saying they are not serious when they employ 500 computer programmers to make sure every software that is used in filming does function properly? I always say everyone was once a child even if you left that stage in your life but only those who have inner eye will see the magic of animation. It is not about cartoons it is about learning the idea presented in form of cartoons.

Dance: Samba dance from Brazil

Perspective: Why do girls in most culture are dressing up half naked even if is to embrace their culture?

Culture is what defines who we are and identify us from other cultures that we see around the World. I mean nobody can judge another culture whether it have good customs and traditions or not from their own culture. I was on my way to Turku from Sweden and got a chance to watch a cultural dance called Samba.

Samba dance is a lively rhythmical dance of Brazil origin which is performed by playing Samba music. The dance is performed with basic movement which involves a straight body and a bending of one knee at a time termed as “Samba no pe”. To some other type of samba dance they include some acrobatics movements and tend to be more intimate.

I actually enjoyed the show and was captured with intimate feelings when watched the show. The way the girls were dancing following the rhythm of the samba music was well performed. Furthermore, I was captured by intimate feelings to see the way the girls presented their self on the stage performance.

I mean if i were able to judge ones culture from mine, where is the honour in culture if the girls are presenting their selves half naked to the crowd of people? For instance Swaziland society that is still presenting their girls half naked when comes to perform a reed dance. The girls are dressed up naked on the top and matching in front of their king.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Lecture and Discussion: News Writing focusing on Development Journalism

Perspective: The architect of presenting lectures and use of internet finally gave me a clear type of whom journalist I should be.

News writing focusing on Journalism Development is the course that encompasses the whole concept of JOCID Exchange Programme. African Lecturers presented their views on the concept of Development whereas students had also a role to discuss and present their views on the topic under discussion.
                                   Mr. Aloyce Mohamed from University of Iringa, Tanzania 
Ever since I started hearing the word “Development”, its meanings has been so complex and complicated to define the word “Development”. The use of illustrations and pictures in the presentations was so helpful to me that I am able now to spot what is termed as development from underdevelopment.
I also noticed that with the use of internet videos and pictures in lectures is powerful enough to educate students the knowledge to be taught. I would say that not everyone came out of that course understanding the whole lesson but may be others were not able to grab something out from that class.

“The Change Maker is a video about a Bangladeshi Development journalist Shykh Seraj. A country in which its economy relies on Agriculture. He writes stories focusing on agriculture and lifts up the causes of farmers sector around Bangladesh. His mission is also to show effective farming practices that’s happening all around the world. I must say that this internet video it actually gave me a clear type of whom journalist I should be. I was so captured by emotions and the manner in which the story was presented.
 Tanzania is one among other African countries that its economy relies on agriculture. The country is still facing a lot of challenges in the aspect of agriculture though many policies have been formulated to lift up the sector. I may not be the only person to bring the change in the agricultural sector but it is high time that I report the causes of farmers and whole society at large so as to help the government to refine their policies on developing the economy of our country.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Advertisement: Tigo! Talk Talk 24 Hours!

Perspective: Why I consider this advert as a successful one?

Duh! Duh! Oh! Yeah! These are words used in the Tigo campaign advert “Longa Longa Saa 24”. The advert was created by Tigo Cellular Network company in Tanzania as part of the campaign to tell its audience the release of 24 hours airtime package. You buy and use it all day long that is the implication behind this advert. The word “longa” is Kiswahili word meaning “Talk” so it is basically “Talk Talk 24 hours”

I like the way the advert was created. The advert was created including almost every member of a group in the society women, working class, students, men and the like. The advert is mostly focusing on the working class and students who majority are the biggest users of phone calls and sms.

I like the storyboarding of the advert as it is basically organized to tell the philosophy behind the phrase “Talk longer 24 hours”. The established scene starts when a man is woke up by a phone “Duh!” and then other scenes continue showing his activities of the day while attending his phone calls and last scene showing him going back to bed. It is simple and the idea is clear.
I would say that the message was clear, the targeted audience was clearly defined, and the communication was well established with the audience because many people bought that airtime. The ad was advocacy of the campaign because many people used this package until new campaign was brought. I also liked the mood of the video that was used, it reflected ideology of peace in the society of Tanzania.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Hadza people, only tribe that is allowed to hunt wildlife without a permit

Perspective: How they are preserving their culture identity in the world of technology.

The Hadza or Hadzabe is an ethnic group in north central Tanzania living around Lake Eyasi in the central Rift Valley and in the neighbouring Serengeti Plateau with its population up to a thousand. Some Hadza live as hunter and gatherers much as their ancestors have for thousands or tens of thousands of years. They are the last full-time hunter gatherers in Africa.
The Hadza are said not closely genetically related to any other people while traditionally are classified with Khoisan Language primarily because it has clicks, the Hadza language appears to be isolate unrelated to any other. In recent years, the Hadza people have been under pressure from neighbouring groups encroaching on their land, and also affected by tourism and Safari hunting.

The Hadza people do not build houses but they sleep under trees as the Hadza of today will do this during dry season. According to this tradition, in the beginning of time, the world was inhabitated by hairy giants called the Akakaanebe. The Akakaanebe did not possess tools or fire; they hunted game by staring at it and it fell dead; they ate meat raw.
Photo courtesy of Zachary King
Genetically, the Hadza do not show to be closely related to Khoisan speakers even the Sandawe one who live just 150 km away from Hadza community in Tanzania. Despite what has to be said I am concerned that how these people among more than 130 tribes in Tanzania can still manage to preserve their culture in terms of materials wealth? It undeniably that no matter how big the population is of one tribe only upholding morals and beliefs of that society will still preserve their culture.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Art: Taidehalli Art Gallery in Helsinki

Perspective: Art is a diverse range of human activities and means of expressing our inner emotions.
Art is a man’s inner joy of expression. It is creation of images or objects in fields including painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and other visual media. The nature of art, and related concepts such as creativity and interpretation are explored in a branch of philosophy known as artistic. We take pictures to preserve our moments that we once shared with the loved ones.
Roy Reuben at Art Gallery in Helsinki

It was snowy and foggy outside, the day we took a chance to visit one of the art gallery in Helsinki. I went with my fellow colleagues and tutors to sightseeing the beauty of Helsinki city. I was so energized to see beautiful paintings on the wall of this art gallery. Many of the images were themed on full of lost hopes and disappointments which some were photographed by Jyrki Parantainen .
The artistic used to some of the picture were created using metal wires, and woods to reveal some of the underlying themes of the pictures thereby making it obvious to the observer. For someone to understand the photo must have the inner eye to see the beauty of these photo.  Taking pictures of room on fire, he addresses the subject of human vulnerability. Fire erases everything.
Watching these series of photographs had put me to me to many thoughts. We live in this world were others are divorced, hated, irritated and anger is a permanent state of misunderstanding to those closest to us. Some paintings were revealing captive thoughts whereas a man is confined in alone in a room. Actually, I enjoyed watching the paintings to study the beauty of art.