Sunday, March 23, 2014

Motion Picture: Law abiding Citizen

Perspective: We are the creator of our own enemies.

Law Abiding Citizen is a film produced by Gerard Butler who is also a co-main star of Jamie Foxx. The film is about a man who is determined to not only to avenge the death of his family but also an entire corrupt criminal justice system. The film takes place in Philadelphia, USA.

This is the best film that I have ever seen in my entire life simply because the story telling composition and the idea is best organized and actually fit in any society that you can mention corrupt government. I was craved emotionally after watching this film for 1:30 hours. It is a film that shows how corrupt government system is insufficient to protect those who are weak and continue defending those who are powerful in the society.

However, thanks to the director of this film who actually managed to balance the roles to every character in the film. Clyde Alexander is attacked in his house by a gang of three men lead by Rupert Ames who kill his daughter and wife in front of him. Clyde opens up a case against Rupert but then he wins the case in the court after corrupting the prosecutor Jamie Foxx. Clyde sees the prosecutor receiving money from Rupert which causes Clyde to commit multiple murders while targeting both.
We live in a society whereas rules are created to ensure that justice and peace is preserved yet the justice organs are the ones who lead in bending the laws. Corruption is the biggest enemy of justice and peace in many African countries. The weak are denied their privileges as the powerful ones are doing necessarily to buy the power in the society. I believe that someday all nations in Africa will get tired of watching government leaders embezzling money and so enter into a conflict. A conflict for quest of new society whereas peace and justice will be preserved.

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