Saturday, March 22, 2014

Dance: Samba dance from Brazil

Perspective: Why do girls in most culture are dressing up half naked even if is to embrace their culture?

Culture is what defines who we are and identify us from other cultures that we see around the World. I mean nobody can judge another culture whether it have good customs and traditions or not from their own culture. I was on my way to Turku from Sweden and got a chance to watch a cultural dance called Samba.

Samba dance is a lively rhythmical dance of Brazil origin which is performed by playing Samba music. The dance is performed with basic movement which involves a straight body and a bending of one knee at a time termed as “Samba no pe”. To some other type of samba dance they include some acrobatics movements and tend to be more intimate.

I actually enjoyed the show and was captured with intimate feelings when watched the show. The way the girls were dancing following the rhythm of the samba music was well performed. Furthermore, I was captured by intimate feelings to see the way the girls presented their self on the stage performance.

I mean if i were able to judge ones culture from mine, where is the honour in culture if the girls are presenting their selves half naked to the crowd of people? For instance Swaziland society that is still presenting their girls half naked when comes to perform a reed dance. The girls are dressed up naked on the top and matching in front of their king.

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