Friday, March 21, 2014

Lecture and Discussion: News Writing focusing on Development Journalism

Perspective: The architect of presenting lectures and use of internet finally gave me a clear type of whom journalist I should be.

News writing focusing on Journalism Development is the course that encompasses the whole concept of JOCID Exchange Programme. African Lecturers presented their views on the concept of Development whereas students had also a role to discuss and present their views on the topic under discussion.
                                   Mr. Aloyce Mohamed from University of Iringa, Tanzania 
Ever since I started hearing the word “Development”, its meanings has been so complex and complicated to define the word “Development”. The use of illustrations and pictures in the presentations was so helpful to me that I am able now to spot what is termed as development from underdevelopment.
I also noticed that with the use of internet videos and pictures in lectures is powerful enough to educate students the knowledge to be taught. I would say that not everyone came out of that course understanding the whole lesson but may be others were not able to grab something out from that class.

“The Change Maker is a video about a Bangladeshi Development journalist Shykh Seraj. A country in which its economy relies on Agriculture. He writes stories focusing on agriculture and lifts up the causes of farmers sector around Bangladesh. His mission is also to show effective farming practices that’s happening all around the world. I must say that this internet video it actually gave me a clear type of whom journalist I should be. I was so captured by emotions and the manner in which the story was presented.
 Tanzania is one among other African countries that its economy relies on agriculture. The country is still facing a lot of challenges in the aspect of agriculture though many policies have been formulated to lift up the sector. I may not be the only person to bring the change in the agricultural sector but it is high time that I report the causes of farmers and whole society at large so as to help the government to refine their policies on developing the economy of our country.

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