Saturday, March 22, 2014

Social media: Facebook a platform for everyone’s freedom

Perspective: I go against those who urge that we don’t care what others think of us.

Social media is a platform where people create, share, or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Social media differ from traditional or industrial media in many ways including quality, reach, frequency, usability, immediacy and permanence.

Many people think that we all should live by not caring what others have to perceive in us. Just to brainstorm your mind, ask yourself why everyone dresses up neatly and smart when wants to go out in the night. The answer is we all tend to look smart in front of others. Nobody is ready to see him or her self being look down by others when he or she is not dressing up smart. We all know that we dress up smart because we were all once brought up to that morals and beliefs but what is the ideal purpose of all?
While some persons create a Facebook page purely to keep tags on friends and family, it mainly serves as a platform. A platform in which we play a role that entertains an audience willing to listen. We know what we are doing when we upload certain photos, post expressive statuses, and write specific ideas on various walls; not only do we need attention from others, but we want others to see us in a certain way.
If you don't care what others think of you, try this status on your wall.
By the same token, caring how others see us is not necessarily all negative. It does make sense to stifle what we say to spare hard feelings, to act correctly at a religious affair, or to dress a certain way to fit into a selected environment. (Wearing a low cut top on a job interview at a corporate office may not be the best way to impress the company’s president.) In other words, there are lots of grey areas and it’s up to you to decide if you care too much what others think.

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