Sunday, March 23, 2014

Advertisement: No Chui, No Serengeti Premium Larger

Perspective:  Animation in TV commercials.

Serengeti premium larger is one of the finest beer produced by Serengeti Breweries in Tanzania. Other beers that are produced by the brewery company are Kibo Gold, Serengeti the Kick, and Uhuru Peak Lager. There is actually a promo advert which was produced by this company to promote Serengeti premium larger. The advert included animation character “Chui” in English Cheetah.

Animation is one of the emerging multi-billion industry in Tanzania. At present days, most companies in Tanzania uses animation in creating adverts. The field is getting popularity since everyone is in the market competition to create one appealing and attractive advert of a given consumer product.

Speaking of Serengeti premium larger advert, “Chui” who is the main character in the advert was animated using 3D software and motion capture devices to combine real human action in the advert. I like much about this advert in terms of the animation composition. The idea was not clear to me but with the animation composition it was something else that I enjoyed watching. The idea was basing on Tanzania context, first to mention the character “Chui” is the fastest wild animal also found in Tanzania national parks, and secondly the use of “Chui” in line with real human being it create the video to fit into the context of Tanzania whereas Kiswahili language and set designs of Tanzania were used.
I stand to be corrected but they say we human differ in perceptions, thinking capacities and critical thinking. With this advert I am not sure if I was able to grab the meaning neither I am compelled to understand it but it is important we all know what is around us. I think the Advert used “Chui” to show that this animal is also found in Serengeti National Park who also likes the beer so he is here to tell Tanzanians that whoever wants to buy a beer should prefer this one to the others.

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